Blog Traffic Machine 

Add at least $1000 of additional monthly recurring revenue to your coaching business by creating evergreen search-engine-optimized blog content that consistently drives potential clients to your site and turns them into subscribers and clients.


Always be able to cover your expenses with your blog income

Stay visible even when you’re going through slow or hard seasons

Enter your ‘influencer era’ whilst still running your full-time coaching business

🗣️ Cue DJ Khalid's voice 

*DING* Another one! 

Imagine recurring monthly sales happening without costly Facebook ads, showing your face on Instagram stories or reaching out to a dream lead from your lead tracker.

Sounds like your perfect idea of marketing your business, right?
But probably not like your current reality, huh?

I'm guessing you're a creative coach who loves to create but right now you're constantly creating new podcasts, dancing for TikTok, trying to think of a funny joke to post on Threads and tinkering around to make the perfect Instagram carousel, only for it to feel like you’re talking to yourself when you hit *publish*.

You feel tired and frustrated because it feels like every piece of content you create is flung into a 'Content Black Hole' almost instantly, never to be seen again 👋




Every day you feel like you're back at square one again. You are doing the same thing over and over.

You want your content to work harder for you and actually make you sales in the background.

You're stuck between a rock and a hard place because you know you must create content that magnetizes your dream client as you ramp up for your next launch and try to fill your funnels.

You’re stuck on a content hamster wheel and can't possibly 'just create more' in order to make more recurring sales in your coaching business.


What if...


❌ You no longer had to rely on showing up on stories to sell your group program, download your lead magnet or promote your new podcast episode. 

...and instead


✅ Your coaching offers showed up directly in front of your dream leads all day and all night and made sales without you.

✅ Every piece of content worked harder for you and automated lead generation

✅ You were able to bring more recurring revenue in the background without needing to grow your team or funnel more of your profit into the Zuckerberg bank account. 


Your magical source for attracting dream clients and making recurring revenue effortlessly (and on autopilot) is...

...but not just any evergreen content, we're talking about evergreen blog content that doesn't rely on trends or algorithms.

Blog content remains relevant and continues to attract an audience long after it's been created. 

Much like an aged cheese or fine Bordeaux wine that develops a richer, more complex flavour over time, evergreen content becomes increasingly valuable, enhancing its authority and relevance with each year.

Blog marketing is the easiest way to make new monthly recurring revenue

See for yourself ↓


1 evergreen blog post attracted 67 leads and made 7 sales

(in the first 2 days of being published!)

That's a 10% conversion rate from blog post > sale 🤯



I'm SO ready for this!

In 30 days, Angela saw a 107% increase in leads  🤯


"Almost a month in and it’s so fun to see measurable results like this one. I’m seeing the number of sessions and opt-ins growing exponentially every day is keeping us all very motivated to keep going!”

I want more recurring revenue!

Blog Traffic Machine Group Program is your ticket to recurring Stripe sale notifications, popping up as often as Michael Scott drops his iconic 'That's what she said' line.

*Mic drop 🎤*

Add at least $1000 of additional monthly recurring revenue to your coaching business by creating evergreen search-engine-optimized blog content that consistently drives potential clients to your site and turns them into subscribers and clients.

Your blog content is low-lift content that you can create on your worst days but bring recurring sales for years
so you can

✔️ Boost your MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue)

✔️ Always be able to cover your expenses with your blog income

✔️ Enter your ‘influencer era’ whilst still running your full-time coach business

✔️ Become visible on autopilot without Instagram

✔️ Learn how to drive more sales to your coaching offers AND add another 'fun' income stream to your coaching business so that you can diversify your income

(💰 helloooo 24/7 Stripe notifications while you're binge-watching Below Deck)



 Here's how you'll learn to drive at least $1000 in recurring revenue into your coaching business with your blog...

Module 1 > Create blog content that drives traffic, leads, sales and influence

Firstly you'll learn the perfect blog layout and structure that will maximize your conversion rates and turn new eyeballs into paying customers.

💰You'll never be paralysed by writing blog content again because you'll learn the MVB (Minimal Viable Blog) method that will get you publishing content quickly.

Module 2 > Drive recurring traffic with low-lift SEO 

Next, you'll learn the simplified SEO strategy that doesn't crush creativity.

You'll be able to apply this skill to blog posts, core website and sales pages, so your bog content, group coaching programs and services can show up in Google search.

✌️ This will allow you to step out of having to show up to sell alllll the time and move into getting visible 24/7 on autopilot.

Module 3 > How to maintain and stay consistent with your blog

You'll learn how to use your blogs to have higher converting launches, stay consistently publishing new content and update your content so it stays relevant. 

👋 You'll learn how to create a blog that naturally integrates with your coaching business.

**This module will be released to you on the 1st of July (You’ll focus on Modules 1 and 2 FIRST and getting your first or next blog up on your website so you can drive results ASAP)

Module 4 > How to keep growing your blog revenue

Lastly, you'll learn how to increase your blog results by 25% each quarter

You'll learn how to add an extra 'fun' income to your coaching business with your blog by learning how to pitch to your favourite brands, get TV, magazine or online features and use your blog for partner affiliate events to increase your referral income.

**This module will be released to you on the 8th of July

⏰ With the Blog Traffic Machine Curriculum you get access to the rinse and repeat evergreen content strategy so you can publish your first or next blog post within 7 days.



This is for you if...

  • You want to drive consistent leads to your email list, podcast and courses on autopilot every. single. day. (Imagine never having to create another Canva graphic for socials again?!)
  • You want your content to work harder for you by having an optimized evergreen content strategy and framework that doesn't add 20+ hours of work to your plate. 
  • You want to know how to SEO optimize every blog post so you can rank on page 1 of Google above your competitors (and be able to apply the SEO strategy to every sales page too).
  • You're a creative coach and want to create a blog that naturally integrates with your coaching business and brings in monthly recurring revenue.


BTM signature frameworks

The signature tools and frameworks we teach you inside BTM can only be found within our group program and will help you drive recurring revenue from your blog fast.


You’ll be able to make sales from your blog content right away because we teach you the 5-step Content Conversion formula that will drive sales just from your blog content alone. You’ll apply it to every blog post so that new leads that find you from Google, are interested in your offers right away.



The Minimal Viable Blog Method will help you stop overthinking and crawling into perfectionism mode and instead show you how to create blog posts that will be published on your website in the first 7 days of joining so you can stop procrastinating and thinking that it’s overwhelming to ‘write a lot of blog posts’.


You’ll learn the two types of content to create to help sell your offers all year round and during launches as well as the content that can lift you as a leader of your industry and allow you to diversify your coaching income so your expenses are always covered.


Our simple SEO strategy helps you reach more of your ideal clients with less effort and more peace. You'll be able to apply the SEO strategies you learn to every page on your website so that your business will be #1 on Google Search!

Sign me up!


You won't find another blog group program with this level of support. You get access to all live coaching and curriculum for an entire 12 months.

On-demand Blog post SEO reviews

To help you take action and see even higher converting results, you’ll be able to submit your final blog posts for review so that you can be 1000% sure that;

  • You’ve implemented the SEO details correctly so that you can rank on Google
  • Your blog copy is clear to read and you’ve followed the program formula correctly so that you can make sure every blog will spark conversions.
  • You have formatted your blog correctly so it’s easy to consume and high-converting

You'll get personalized feedback on every blog post within 72 business hours.

Plug-and-play results dashboard

Never have to manually track or input numbers into a spreadsheet again and instead easily track your results with ease.

Simply log into your dashboard and see how much monthly traffic you’re bringing into your website month over month, how many leads you’ve gained and which content is bringing the most traffic, leads and sales.

Monthly results reviews

Every month submit your results and get them reviewed by an expert. By doing this you’ll be able to fix any leaks in your strategy and get results faster.

You'll receive a personalized video telling you the tweaks needed to have a bigger and better month.

Daily support in our slack channel

Inside our Slack channel, you can ask questions and get support in a click so that you're always moving the needle forward and getting clarity on your blog strategy, content and getting your questions answered in between calls.

Quarterly Content Planning sessions

You'll gain exclusive access to LIVE quarterly content planning sessions where we'll work together to plan 3 months' worth of content so that you know exactly what content to create for upcoming sales sprints, launches and evergreen selling of your offer.

12 months access of the BTM curriculum

You get 12 months of access to a 5-start curriculum with video trainings  modules that take you through the exclusive framework where you'll learn how to create your sticky website eco-system, content framework and high-converting blog strategy that you can learn & implement in just 7 days.

Bi-weekly coaching calls

During these bi-weekly calls, support can look like problem-solving live on any and all road bumps that you’re having from getting results and making this strategy a huge success. Or answering any burning questions you have about strategy, writing or tech.

You’ll walk away from these calls with confidence knowing exactly the next steps you need to take


12-month group program for creative coaches where you'll learn how to add at least $1000 of additional monthly recurring revenue to your coaching business by creating evergreen search-engine-optimized blog content that consistently drives potential clients to your site and turns them into subscribers and clients.

Join The Waitlist


Join the BTM waitlist so you can be the first to join WITH a special bonus ONLY to waitlisters. We are opening the doors again on September 26th 2024





I truly believe in the Blog Traffic Machine program. But if you’re not 100% satisfied with the curriculum and coaching and feel like it's not the right fit for you, within 7 days of purchasing, I will offer you a full refund.












🙋‍♀️ I'm ready to increase my monthly recurring revenue by at least $1000 with a coaching blog


Sign me up! ➡

Hey, I'm your ✨new✨ lead gen & evergreen content strategist, Anita


I'm an acclaimed travel blogger who has written for Lonely Planet, collaborated with the biggest brands and been flown (and paid!) around the world to beautiful destinations just to experience them and write about 😲 #dreamjob

I use evergreen content strategies to bring automated traffic, leads and sales into my podcast, courses and launches.

Since 2019 I've been helping coaches, course creators and service providers skyrocket their reach and visibility, drive thousands of new eyeballs to your website, automate lead generation and bring passive sales by creating optimized evergreen content.

I know for a fact that you can grow a wildly successful business and fulfilling life, not glued to your laptop. I live what I preach!

You created a business for more time freedom, but you're out here wondering "Where is my free time?!" 

I'm here to show you the 4-step framework that gets your content ranking on page 1 of Google and the crazy part... you'll be doing less but getting more eyeballs to your podcast, YouTube videos, funnels, courses and VIP days 👀

I'll help you spend less time finding your next lead, make your podcast content work harder for you, stop relying on IG to sell and feel good about taking afternoons off without guilt that you haven't done any marketing today.

✅ I know my sh*t, and to prove it, take a look behind the scenes at my website traffic over the last 12 months 👇

250+ blog posts are now on page 1 of Google

👏 thanks to my simplified approach to SEO and blog marketing

and their podcasts, YouTube channels, funnels, group program & masterminds are more visible than ever!


BTM gets your content on Google as fast as possible. If you don’t have this 4-step framework, it’s going to take upwards of 2+ years to get your content on page 1 of Google and see an increase in traffic (and most people give up by then!)

We provide you with the exact gameplan you need to get RESULTS. FAST. 

🎉 Nathalie got her first blog post on page 1 of Google


"The results I'm most proud of from the program are my growth on Pinterest and getting my first article appearing on the first page of Google!"



Still have questions?

JOIN the Blog Traffic Machine
Sign Me Up Now ➡