Blog Traffic Machine 

Learn our simple 4-step framework & visibility strategy that helps you create optimized evergreen content that reaches page 1 of Google so that you can attract dream clients on autopilot

no Instagram needed 😉


Make your content work harder for you

Become visible 24/7 

Attract dream clients on autopilot 

🗣️ Cue DJ Khalid's voice 

*DING* Another one! 

Imagine sales happening without costly Facebook ads, showing your face on Instagram stories or reaching out to a dream lead from your lead tracker.

Sounds like the dream, right?
But probably not like your current reality, huh?

I'm guessing right now you're constantly creating new podcasts, dancing for TikTok, trying to think of a funny joke to post on Threads and tinkering around to make the perfect Instagram carousel, only for it to feel like you’re talking to yourself when you hit *publish*.

You feel tired and frustrated because it feels like every piece of content you create is flung into a 'Content Black Hole' almost instantly, never to be seen again 👋




Every day you feel like you're back at square one again. You are doing the same thing over and over.

You want your content to work harder for you.

You're stuck between a rock and a hard place because you know you must create content that magnetizes your dream client as you ramp up for your next launch and try to fill your funnels.

You’re stuck on a content hamster wheel and can't possibly 'just do more' in order to make more money


What if...


❌ You no longer had to rely on showing up on stories to sell, download your lead magnet or promote your new podcast episode. 

...and instead


✅ You showed up directly in front of your dream leads all day and all night.

✅ Every piece of content worked harder for you and 

✅ You were able to scale to 6 or 7 figures this year without needing to expand your team or funnel more of your profit into the Zuckerberg bank account 


Your magical source for attracting dream clients effortlessly (and on autopilot) is...

...but not just any evergreen content, we're talking about evergreen blog content that doesn't rely on trends or algorithms.

Blog content remains relevant and continues to attract an audience long after it's been created. 

Much like an aged cheese or fine Bordeaux wine that develops a richer, more complex flavour over time, evergreen content becomes increasingly valuable, enhancing its authority and relevance with each year.

Evergreen blog content is the ONLY form of true passive traffic (and thus sales) that actually exists online.

See for yourself ↓


1 evergreen blog post attracted 67 leads and made 7 sales

(in the first 2 days of being published!)

That's a 10% conversion rate from blog post > sale 🤯



I'm SO ready for this!

In 30 days, Angela saw a 107% increase in leads  🤯


"We took the Blog Traffic Machine course together as a team at the end of 2023 and started implementing it on Jan 1st 2024. 


Almost a month in and it’s so fun to see measurable results like this one. I’m seeing the number of sessions and opt-ins growing exponentially every day is keeping us all very motivated to keep going!”

I want more traffic and leads!

Blog Traffic Machine is your surefire ticket to passive Stripe sale notifications, popping up as often as Michael Scott drops his iconic 'That's what she said' line.

*Mic drop 🎤*

 Learn our simple 4-step framework & visibility strategy that helps you create optimized evergreen content that reaches page 1 of Google so that you can attract dream clients on autopilot (no Instagram needed 😉).

You'll create a sustainable long-term strategy that will drive eyeballs to your business while you're on holiday or driving the kids to daycare so you can



✔️ Increase SALES 

✔️ Sign more CLIENTS

✔️ Gain maximum VISIBILITY

(💰 helloooo 24/7 Stripe notifications while you're binge-watching Below Deck)


 Here's how we're going to drive dream clients into your biz on autopilot in 4 easy steps...

Step 1 > Map your website framework

Firstly we map out your website framework that allows you to create a sticky website eco-system that connects every page on your website together, so we can make your content work harder and rank faster. 

🕸️ With our unique spider-web strategy your dream leads will never land on your website and think 'What the heck do I do now?!'

Step 2 > Learn simple SEO

Next, you'll learn simple SEO that you can apply to blog posts, core website and sales pages, so your content, courses and services can show up in Google search.

✌️ This will allow you to step out of having to show up to sell alllll the time and move into getting visible 24/7 on autopilot.

Step 3 > Build your blog strategy

Then you'll build out your blog strategy, content framework and workflow so you know which content to create first (or which Podcast episodes to start repurposing ASAP) 

👋 You'll show up as an authority within your industry by ranking on page 1 of Google above competitors and driving dream clients to your podcast episodes, funnels, courses and services FASTER.

Step 4 > Learn the perfect blog layout

Lastly, you'll learn the perfect blog layout and structure that will maximize your conversion rates and turn all these new eyeballs into paying customers.

💰You'll never be paralysed by how to structure your blog content again and instead you'll have an effective system, so you can stay consistent with new content and easily outsource the process to a VA.

⏰ With Blog Traffic Machine you get INSTANT access to the rinse and repeat evergreen content strategy that you can set up within 7 days.

Optimized evergreen blog content brings free automated leads to your sales funnel, over and over again

Did you know most people Google something 3-4 times per day? I promise you no matter what your target market is, THEY ARE GOOGLING.

And here is how that translates into rinse and repeat sales for you.



Your ideal clients are Googling, and your content shows up in front of them


They dive into your super valuable blog post that builds know, like and trust


They get a call-to-action to grab your tasty lead magnet, so they join your email list


They see you've got a Podcast and now they're hooked, but wait...

👉 Now they're in your sales eco-system and your offers are the perfect solution to what they are struggling with, so they purchase your offers

*happy dance 💃

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 

Therese joined the course, published a new blog post using Blog Traffic Machine strategies, and reached page 1 of Google only 5 days later 


Now her offers are more visible in front of her ideal client 24/7 


Become visible for the next 10 years on autopilot without Instagram 


Join NOW ➡


This is for you if...

  • You want to drive consistent leads to your email list, podcast and courses on autopilot every. single. day. (Imagine never having to create another Canva graphic for socials again?!)
  • You want your content to work harder for you by having an optimized evergreen content strategy and framework that doesn't add 20+ hours of work to your plate. 
  • You want to know how to SEO optimize every blog post so you can rank on page 1 of Google above your competitors (and be able to apply the SEO strategy to every sales page too).
  • You no longer want to put all your trust into rented space (no more sweating that if your IG disappeared tomorrow you'd be up sh*ts creek without a paddle 😥) 

"I got through 98% of the content within a week. And this is between my client work, my 9-5, and my 5 kids.

The videos and framework provided were really, really easy to digest and use. Lovedddd everything about it!"

Pamela Woodson - Podcast Manager & Strategist



You're going to 


 these as much as students do. The signature concepts we teach you inside BTM can only be found within our course.


5-Step blog conversion formula

You’ll be able to make sales from your blog content right away because we teach you the 5-step Content Conversion formula that will drive sales just from your blog content alone. You’ll apply it to every blog post so that new leads that find you from Google, are interested in your offers right away.

7-figure blog post template

This template will allow you (or your team) to create optimized content from start to finish with ease. Your blog content will be dripping in so much confidence that your dream leads will pick up on that energy✨ and you’ll make conversions easier and faster than any Instagram story could.

Simplified SEO strategy

Our simple SEO strategy helps you reach more of your ideal clients with less effort and more peace. You'll be able to apply the SEO strategies you learn to every page on your website so that your business will be #1 on Google Search!


You get lifetime access to 4 modules that take you through the exclusive framework where you'll learn how to create your sticky website eco-system, content framework and high-converting blog strategy that you can learn & implement in just 7 days.


You get access to our drool-worthy resources, some of which include the 7-figure blog post template, sticky website whiteboard and fill-in-the-blank 8-month blog content planner that will allow you to ditch the guessing and instead, fill out the gaps and get results faster!


When you join Blog Traffic Machine you get lifetime access to the course so you can go through the course multiple times if you need to. This also means you will get access to future updates as they come too. 

Sign me up!

Maria reached page 1 of Google for a keyword that's searched by her dream lead an estimated 18,000x per month 🤯.



Let's Talk Modules

The breakdown

🎯 Map Your Eco-System

In this first module, we map out your website framework that allows you to create a sticky website eco-system that connects every page on your website together, so we can make your content work harder and rank faster.


🎥 Lessons include:
  • Map your high-converting website framework with the spider web strategy w/ fillable whiteboard flowchart
  • Setting up CEO systems and processes to optimize the time spent on your blog marketing strategy
  • How to measure, track & set your KPIs (Key performance indicators)
  • Sales & traffic calculator to play with how many blog posts could lead to X amount of new leads



📈 Optimize for Eye Balls

In the second module, you'll learn simple SEO that you can apply to blog posts, core website and sales pages, so your content, courses and services can show up in Google search. 

🎥 Lessons include: 
  • Learn simplified SEO and how to apply it to every post and page on your website, even if you're not tech-savvy
  • How to attract & convert your ICA with your content alone
  • Find exactly what your dream clients are Googling (AKA keyword research) & the #1 cost-friendly tool I recommend
  • The must-have core blog pages you need 
  • How to get links back to your content & website with ease that tells Google you're a BIG DEAL. 
  • The SEO strategy that can 3x your website traffic in 15-min 

🔨 Create & Streamline your Evergreen Blog Content

In the third module, you'll build out your blog strategy, content framework and workflow, so you'll be super efficient in taking action, find the juiciest blog content ideas and know the key to picking the best topics to write about (or repurpose) first, so you can get in front of your dream clients ASAP. 


🎥 Lessons include:
  • Do you need to niche down? The 101 of having a niche with your blog
  • Building content around your offers, launches and funnels (P.S. This is part of my marketing strategy that helps double my 5-figure launches every quarter!)
  • How to build your content framework by using the 'Blogging tree' method that will turn your blog into a leading resource in your industry.
  • 5 easy ways to find unlimited blog post ideas - you'll never be paralyzed by a blank screen again
  • The 7 blog post types to have on your blog that spike curiosity,  conversations and conversions.

🎨 Maximize and Repurpose your content

In the fourth module, you'll learn the perfect blog layout and structure that will maximize your conversion rates and turn all these new eyeballs into paying customers.


🎥 Lessons include:
  • How to structure your blog posts for MAX conversions so you can move peeps to your lead magnets, Podcast, YouTube and paid offers.
  • How to pick a simple but effective headline for your blog post that screams MUST.READ.NOW.
  • Swipe my 7-figure blog post template that will allow you (or your team) to create optimized content from start to finish with ease.
  • How to write a blog post from scratch - no experience required (P.S. If you've written an email, you can write a blog post btw 👀)
  • How to repurpose social media content, YouTube videos, podcast episodes, and video or audio trainings into an effective blog post (Get your VA to watch this and do it for you!)
  • BTS of me taking a podcast episode and repurposing it into an optimized blog post in real-time.
  • How to repurpose audio or video interviews into optimised blog posts so you can still repurpose and optimize all formats of content.
  • How to insert a podcast episode and YouTube video into a blog post and the top tips to make them convert 
  • Before you hit publish, double-check with our pre-publishing checklist & review so you know that every blog post is set up for conversions and you don't waste your time.

Take a peek at the Behind-the-scenes of the course!

Sign Me Up Now ➡
But that's not all

 We got Bonuses!

The sooner you join, the more bonuses you scoop up!

BONUS #1 will expire in 👇


Live workshop: How to prep your website for Evergreen so you can maximize your conversions

Join me live where I’ll be spilling insider tips on how to transform your website into an evergreen powerhouse, boosting your leads and sales to the max


Live workshop: Create an evergreen content ecosystem that drives sales to your funnel and launches

Let’s create your evergreen content ecosystem together live. This isn't just another live masterclass; it's a hands-on workshop experience where you'll learn to craft an evergreen content ecosystem that continuously drives sales to your funnel and launches.



Learn our simple 4-step framework & visibility strategy that helps you create optimized evergreen content that reaches page 1 of Google so that you can attract dream clients on autopilot (no Instagram needed 😉).


💰 Save $200 - expiring soon

Usually $697

now $497

  • 4 action-packed modules with 24+ video lessons 

  • Done-for-you templates, workflows and worksheets 

  • Lifetime access to the course 

  • Access to monthly, quarterly and yearly updates of the course content and strategy

Pay in full

💰 Save $300 with a bundle

Usually $1194

Now $894

  • Grab both the Blog Traffic Machine AND Passive Profit with Pinterest with this bundle offer!
  • Action-packed modules with video lessons 

  • Done-for-you templates, workflows and worksheets 

  • Lifetime access to both courses and monthly, quarterly and yearly updates of the course content and strategy

👉 click here to learn more about Passive Profit with Pinterest


👑 VIP upgrade when you join BTM 👑

Get a Customised Content Repurposing System


Available once you join us inside of BTM ONLY *Not available separately

Take 1 piece of content and amplify it 10x so you can reach more of your ideal clients with less effort.

With this VIP upgrade, I will personally build you a content repurposing system based on the content you're already creating, so you can amplify and reach more people with less effort. Hello omnipresence 👋

➡ As soon as you hit the 'complete my purchase' button at checkout, you can get this upgrade with one click! Not available anywhere else.



I truly believe in the Blog Traffic Machine course. But if you’re not 100% satisfied with the course and feel like it's not the right fit for you, within 7 days of purchasing, I will offer you a full refund.


In 1 month Morgane saw an increase in website traffic

"BTM helped me be more peaceful because I hadn't realized how much producing content for social media had been draining me.

I think it's been one month or a little bit less than one so it's still a bit early, but I can tell you that I have already started seeing an increase in my website traffic, direct and also through Pinterest.

And my email list has also grown significantly, so this is a good start. I'm able to target my audience more precisely."


Morgane from - Personal Development Coach & Shaman

Think about what bringing 1.3+ MILLION LEADS could do for your next launch or evergreen funnels

 If experiencing life means more to you than sitting at a desk all day and fighting algorithms for visibility, then you need to start creating & repurposing your content into an evergreen format that brings leads forever without costing a cent - 

evergeen blog content


These numbers WILL shock you 👇🤯


🙋‍♀️ I'm ready to save thousands of dollars and get thousands of leads 


Sign me up! ➡

Hey, I'm your ✨new✨ lead gen & evergreen content strategist, Anita


I'm an acclaimed travel blogger who has written for Lonely Planet, collaborated with the biggest brands and been flown (and paid!) around the world to beautiful destinations just to experience them and write about 😲 #dreamjob

I use evergreen content strategies to bring automated traffic, leads and sales into my podcast, courses and launches.

Since 2019 I've been helping coaches, course creators and service providers skyrocket their reach and visibility, drive thousands of new eyeballs to your website, automate lead generation and bring passive sales by creating optimized evergreen content.

I know for a fact that you can grow a wildly successful business and fulfilling life, not glued to your laptop. I live what I preach!

You created a business for more time freedom, but you're out here wondering "Where is my free time?!" 

I'm here to show you the 4-step framework that gets your content ranking on page 1 of Google and the crazy part... you'll be doing less but getting more eyeballs to your podcast, YouTube videos, funnels, courses and VIP days 👀

I'll help you spend less time finding your next lead, make your podcast content work harder for you, stop relying on IG to sell and feel good about taking afternoons off without guilt that you haven't done any marketing today.

✅ I know my sh*t, and to prove it, take a look behind the scenes at my website traffic over the last 12 months 👇

250+ blog posts are now on page 1 of Google

👏 thanks to the Blog Traffic Machine Framework 

and their podcasts, YouTube channels, funnels, courses & masterminds are more visible than ever!


BTM gets your content on Google as fast as possible. If you don’t have this 4-step framework, it’s going to take upwards of 2+ years to get your content on page 1 of Google and see an increase in traffic (and most people give up by then!)

We provide you with the exact gameplan you need to get RESULTS. FAST. 

Not only will you get instant access to all the course materials, but you'll also get any future updates I throw in!

Strategies change and grow, and so does Blog Traffic Machine. As I am a full-time blogger (with an email list, podcast and courses), I have my finger on the pulse at all times.

🎉 Nathalie got her first blog post on page 1 of Google


"The results I'm most proud of from the program are my growth on Pinterest and getting my first article appearing on the first page of Google!"



Anita simplified the whole process, got me on the right path and made me believe I had a shot at this. Her structured approach really cleared the way for me and got rid of all the unnecessary stuff! I now have EVERYTHING I need to create a successful blog.


I loved the lessons. They were simple and well-explained. Plus I loved the support! Having a coach was the best experience. The lesson alone would not give me the same motivation nor push to have things done. Knowing that I will meet up with you made me do more. Accountability is key!


"I love Anita's approach to coaching, she is all about taking action and seeing results! I've found other programs and courses only teach you the information but don't expect any follow-through like Anita. This helped me stay motivated and on track with my goals and learning.


Still have questions?

JOIN the Blog Traffic Machine
Sign Me Up Now ➡