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#47 - How to Use AI with Pinterest That Will Save You Time and Energy

Welcome to another episode of the Marketing That Leads podcast! Today, we're delving into AI and Pinterest marketing. We'll explore ways to leverage AI to supercharge your Pinterest strategy, as well as offer some insights into areas where AI may not be the best fit.

Sneak peaks of what we cover in this episode:

  • AI for Content Ideas: AI can help generate content ideas for your Pinterest strategy
  • Creating Multiple Pin Title Variations: Use AI to come up with various title variations for your pins
  • Generating Pin Descriptions: create compelling pin descriptions with AI that describe the content and why viewers should engage with it
  • Board Descriptions: When creating boards on Pinterest, AI can be used to help craft board descriptions
  • Creating a Pinterest Schedule: AI can assist in creating a posting schedule that provides an outline of your Pinterest content plan.

If you're looking to amplify your content, gain greater visibility with your ideal clients, and watch your business grow on autopilot, Pinterest is the place to be. The link to my signature course, Passive Profit with Pinterest, is in the description.


PINTEREST KEYWORD VAULT (over 7000 Pinterest keywords!)