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#29: The Simple 4-Step Framework That Brought 73k People To My Website Last Month

Welcome to another episode of The Marketing That Leads podcast. In this special episode, we open the doors to Blog Traffic Machine, a course designed for podcasters who want to position themselves as thought leaders in their industry. Using a proven 4-step framework, you'll learn how to create SEO-optimized podcast content that ranks on Google. 

Here's a sneak peek at the subjects covered:

  1. Plan: Learn how to map out your website framework and create SEO systems to track analytics and streamline your blog SEO strategy. Avoid the mistake of repurposing podcast episodes without a plan.
  2. Optimize: Discover the power of SEO and how to use it to accelerate your podcast's traffic. Avoid wasting time with outdated or ineffective strategies. Learn how one client achieved page one rankings in just six weeks.
  3. Build: Build your blog framework like a spider web, connecting and organizing your content for maximum impact. Plan which episodes to publish first to achieve faster results. A well-structured framework can speed up your success.
  4. Design: Master the art of creating high-converting blog posts that engage readers and convert them into fans, customers, and podcast subscribers. Learn how to format and structure your content for optimal results. Avoid the trap of generating traffic with no meaningful action from visitors.

Join the Blog Traffic Machine course to unlock the full power of this framework. With over 73,000 visitors to her website in the last 30 days, the host shares her goal of seeing 1,000 articles from course students on page one of Google. Start repurposing your podcast episodes today and spend less time marketing on platforms like Instagram. Get visible 24/7 and achieve consistent results for your podcast and business.

Visit the show notes for more information and feel free to reach out with any questions. Join us inside Blog Traffic Machine and start building a successful podcast and website.