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How to Get Sales to Your Coaching Business Without Social Media

Coach pointing to whiteboard with sticky notes teaching them and showing how a Coaching Business Without Social Media can still get sales

You’re tired of creating Instagram content ALL the DAMN time to sell your offers. 

You feel like you’re talking into a void and are running on a content creation hamster wheel. 

This year you can release the pressure of having to show up on Instagram to sell your offers and instead…

Make Instagram a choice, not a need.

Running a coaching business without social media is totally possible. 

My business is not reliant on how many times I show up on Instagram and post or how many reels I publish.

This is a big reason why so many people join my signature program Blog Traffic Machine because I teach you how to do simple SEO to every evergreen blog post that you publish.

This will allow you to bring dream leads without needing to show up on social media because you’ll be ranking on page 1 of Google.

Don’t be a sheep, challenge the norms

When I entered the coaching industry in 2019, I stopped blogging. 🤯

Because no other coaches were doing it and I felt like the odd one out.

They told me that IG was the ONLY way to get coaching clients.

😩 Then I burned out. 

Burned out from showing up 24/7 on the gram and trying to stand out in a sea of others.

👏 So I got back to what I knew. 

I had been blogging for around 7 years at that point and was making money on autopilot by driving nearly 100k monthly traffic to my website.

So I got back in my lane. 🚶

Instead of feeling like the odd one out, I taught other burned-out coaches & course creators that the only way to get clients ISN’T JUST INSTAGRAM.

💛 Don’t be afraid to go against the grain and do things differently.

Because there are business owners like me and the clients inside of Blog Traffic Machine, who have space in their calendars and generate sales on autopilot with as much peace and ease as possible.

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash


How to get sales to your coaching business without social media

Let's dive into the four strategies I swear by for marketing my coaching business without social media:


 1. SEO Optimized Content on your website (blog content)

To boost your online visibility, you must invest in creating SEO-optimized blog content. 

This helps potential customers find you organically through search engines and can significantly impact your lead-generation efforts.

You should start this as soon as you have a website, which I recommend doing pretty soon after you get a business if you are serious about making it work 

A lot of coaches will tell you to wait to get a website or not to worry about it until years in but I have a different approach. 🤯

A lot of very successful coaches have dead websites and here’s why. They wait until they have ‘their shit sorted’ and they are making 5,6, 7 figures a month to create one 

So they then create this website, get all the branded photos and do a big launch.

Let’s be real, no one cares that you launched your website. 

So their website is dead and gets no traffic. Then they don't do anything with it and think having a website doesn't matter.

But here’s an alternative option.

You start a business, then you capture your domain and create a very simple website.

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a homepage, how people can work with you and maybe an about me page. 

As soon as you start that website, every day it’s live it's capturing more authority the older it gets.

So when you get around to creating optimized blog content, your website already has a tonne of authority in Google's eyes and it will be easier for your blog content to rank on page 1 of Google.

👉 Your seo optimized blogs will drive traffic to your website on autopilot every day, 7 days a week.

That will lead to your email list and sales of your offers.

P.S. > If you’re looking for cute themes for your website, I highly recommend Penny in Your Pocket (if you have a Kajabi website). That’s exactly what this website was built on!

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash


2. Podcasting  

Ah, podcasts! 

They have been a game-changer for me and my business.

🎧 More of an audio listener? Check out this related podcast episode!

🎙️ Hosting a podcast allows me to share valuable insights, showcase my expertise, and connect with my target audience. 

It's an effective way to drive traffic to my website and nurture those leads into my coaching business without social media.

3. Pinterest

Now, here's a unique one.  

Pinterest is often underestimated as a search engine. 🔎

 By creating optimized content (to Pinterest’s search algorithm) that appeals to your audience's searches, you can increase your visibility and drive traffic to your website or landing pages. It's an untapped goldmine!

If you’re interested in how to amplify your content on your Pinterest, then check out Passive Profit with Pinterest.

👀I show you how to skyrocket your content ROI and consistently be seen in front of new ideal clients, so you can sell your offers on autopilot.

<< Click here to check it out


4. Facebook and Instagram Ads

Here's an interesting twist... 

Yes, I know we're talking about social media being optional, but hear me out. 

By running carefully crafted ads on Facebook and Instagram, you can reach a broader audience, showcase your products or services, and generate leads—all without the need for a constant social media presence.

But let me just say, that if you have optimized blog content first, you’ll have cheaper Facebook ads so I recommend diving into that first!


Here’s how creating optimized blog content will actually help you decrease the cost of your ads in 2 ways.

1️⃣ When you start to create blog posts that answer your ideal clients' objections, questions and thoughts on your industry (and those blog posts are SEO optimized), you’ll be bringing in perfect leads.

Your Facebook pixel will start to pick up that information and be able to target your dream leads more precisely.

This will help Facebook ads spend less time looking and more time showing up in front of the perfect person 

But that’s not all. 🫷


2️⃣ Secondly, you’ll spend less on Facebook ads to begin with since you’ll be driving automatic FREE traffic to offers through your blog content.

Join Blog Traffic Machine, my signature 12-month group program for creative coaches

You'll learn how to add at least $1000 of additional monthly recurring revenue to your coaching business by creating evergreen blog content that increases their brand influence, monthly recurring revenue, fun and flexibility

Your blog content is low-lift content that you can create on your worst days but bring recurring sales for years
so you can

✔️ Boost your MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue)

✔️ Always be able to cover your expenses with your blog income

✔️ Enter your ‘influencer era’ whilst still running your full-time coach business

✔️ Become visible on autopilot without Instagram

✔️ Learn how to drive more sales to your coaching offers AND add another 'fun' income stream to your coaching business so that you can diversify your income 


Your blog content will show up on page 1 of Google and in front of your dream clients every single day so you can make sales on autopilot and 100x your visibility every single month. 

Automated traffic is the key to a coaching business without social media

By implementing these alternative strategies, you can sell more while showing up less. ✌️

The key lies in setting up systems and utilizing automation tools. 

These tools ensure that your business continues to attract and engage with your ideal clients 24/7, regardless of whether you're actively present on social media.

Let's face it, these strategies won't bring overnight success. 

Building a successful SEO strategy, podcast, Pinterest presence, or running effective ad campaigns all require time and patience. 

But trust me, if you start now, you'll set yourself up for social media optional success in the future.

So, can social media marketing really be optional? Absolutely! 

By embracing alternative strategies like SEO-optimized content, podcasts, Pinterest, and strategic ad campaigns, you have the power to reduce your reliance on social media while still effectively promoting and growing your business. 

Remember to stay true to your authentic voice, be patient with the process, and lay the foundation for a successful coaching business without social media.

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