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5 Steps to Kickstart Your Coaching Blog ASAP for More Sales

Coaching blog


I know adding a coaching blog into your marketing sphere has been on your to-do list for what seems like yonks, but now you feel like you’re finally ready to get started so you can drive maximum visibility, leads and sales into your business.

Good for you.

Now don’t click away, let’s just get it done. Let’s get your blog started TODAY.

❌ No more dilly-dallying. 

Let's discuss the five crucial steps you need to take to kickstart your coaching blog as soon as possible.

By implementing five steps, you will boost your visibility, attract more customers, and ultimately make more sales on autopilot. 

🎧 More of an audio listener? Click below to listen to the podcast episode! 


Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash


Step 1: Establishing a Solid Website Framework

Before diving straight into creating coaching blog content, it's essential to consider how your website will work together as a cohesive unit. 

Think of your website as its own ecosystem, with your blog acting as an integral piece of the puzzle. 

By creating a bird's eye view of all the pages on your website and how they connect, you can ensure that your blog seamlessly fits into the overall structure and framework of your website. 

This is crucial for an effective SEO strategy that will help drive organic traffic on autopilot, even while you’re on vacation or don’t want to dip into your budget for Facebook ads.

👉 One way to achieve this is by creating a website framework.

A website framework is a strategic approach that ensures your blog content is aligned with your brand and offers. 

The goal of a website framework is to plan how the blog content will integrate with the existing pages of your website, what the linking structure looks like, and establish a consistent format for delivering content.

This helps search engines crawl your website and also is helpful for your leads. No one likes dead ends! ⛔️


Photo by Valeria Nikitina on Unsplash


Step 2: Crafting an Effective SEO Strategy

Creating an SEO strategy is an essential step to maximize the visibility and impact of your blog content.

It helps your blog content work harder for you.

First, you need to understand what your target audience is searching for, the language they use, and the problems they want to solve.

Start with doing some keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-ranking keywords for your content.

I recommend you also analyze your competitors' s and identify content gaps that you can fill with valuable blog posts. Look at the keywords and content that they have published so that you can see what content ideas you could tap into and provide an even more valuable blog post for your ideal clients.

In addition to keyword research, focus on optimizing your blog posts for search engines.

This includes writing compelling meta titles and descriptions, using relevant headers and subheadings, incorporating internal and external links, and optimizing your images. 

These are just SOME good SEO practices (I go deeper inside of Blog Traffic Machine). By following these best practices, you can increase the visibility and discoverability of your blog posts, driving more organic traffic and helping your content reach a larger audience.



Step 3: Develop an intentional Content Plan 

A well-thought-out content plan will set you up for success and ensure consistency in your blogging efforts.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


Determine your posting frequency and schedule, and identify the types of content that will make the most impact on your target audience the fastest.

Consider repurposing popular podcast episodes or YouTube videos you may have already.

Also, look at frequently asked questions within your niche.

By establishing a workflow and delegating responsibilities to your team, you can streamline the content creation process and maintain a steady flow of engaging blog posts. 

I highly recommend automating and creating template tasks wherever possible to save time and maintain consistency. ♻️

 A content plan should include a variety of content formats, such as in-depth articles, interviews, case studies, or how-to guides.

This diversity will cater to different preferences and provide value to your audience in various ways. 

Definitely include visual elements like infographics, images, or videos to make your blog posts more engaging and shareable. And if you created a blog post from a Podcast episode or YouTube video, make sure you attach it!

📊 By planning and diversifying your content, you can capture the attention of your target audience and keep them coming back for more.



Step 4: Create a Simple but Engaging Blog Page

Having a dedicated blog page on your website will act as a central hub for all your blog posts. 

This page will make it easier for visitors to find and explore your blog content, increasing their chances of engaging with your website. 

Depending on your website platform, creating a blog page is usually a straightforward process. 

🎯 Ensure that your latest blog posts are automatically featured on this page and consider categorizing them to improve navigation and enhance the user experience. 

Make sure you link the blog page to your website's main menu so that people can easily find it. This will also help with SEO.

Some things to think about when designing an engaging blog page are how to make it visually appealing, easy to navigate, and showcase your blog's diverse topics. 

Start by selecting an attractive and responsive layout that aligns with your website's overall design and branding. Consider using eye-catching headlines and featured images to grab visitors' attention and entice them to explore your blog posts. 

Organize your blog posts into categories or tags to help visitors find relevant content and enable them to browse through topics of interest easily.

By creating an engaging and user-friendly blog page, you can create an immersive experience for your readers and keep them coming back for more.

Don’t forget to include a search bar! Sometimes people just want to search for a keyword instead of scrolling through categories and tags.

Step 5: Repurposing or Creating Valuable Blog Posts

Finally, it's time to start writing your first blog post! 

Consider repurposing high-performing podcast episodes or addressing specific content gaps in your niche. 

By doing this, you provide valuable and relevant information to your audience while leveraging existing resources. 

✏️ Additionally, prioritize quality over quantity and focus on creating engaging and informative content. 

Once you've created the blog post, hit publish and be consistent in your posting schedule. Follow your content plan and workflow to ensure each blog post receives the attention it deserves.

When crafting your blog posts, keep in mind the needs and preferences of your target audience. Provide in-depth and actionable insights that solve their problems or answer their questions. 

Use a conversational tone to create a connection with your readers and make the content more relatable. Write like you are talking to a friend. That’s how you truly connect with your ideal leads. 

For SEO purposes, incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout the post to boost its SEO performance.

🏞️ Add some visual elements like images, charts, or graphs, to enhance the readability and engagement of your blog post. 


Finally, actively encourage reader interaction through comments, social media sharing, and calls to action to foster a sense of community and engagement. Don’t be afraid to use more than one call to action throughout your post.

My rule of thumb is to use them in these 3 places within your content - Start, middle and end!

Those were the five crucial steps to kickstart your blog ASAP.

By establishing a solid website framework, implementing an effective SEO strategy, developing an intentional content plan, creating a simple but engaging blog page, and regularly publishing valuable content, you'll be well on your way to increasing visibility, attracting your ideal customers, and attracting dream leads on autopilot into your offers. 


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