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How to Write High-Converting Content Without Being a Good Writer

💬 “What if I’m not a good writer?”

💬 “I’m not trained in writing so I can’t have a blog”

💬 “I’m not a professional or confident writer”


❌You do not have to be a good writer to have a blog 

You just need to write as you speak.

👏I was bad at English and built two successful travel blogs, wrote for Lonely Planet and been featured in documentaries because I wrote like how I speak.

People told me they love to read what I write because it’s like reading something from a friend.

That connection piece made me drive new email subscribers and customers to my offers.

👉 Writing is a skill that you can learn, just like riding a bike.

As a blog coach, I often come across people who are hesitant to start blogging because they believe they need to be exceptional writers or be the BEST at English. 

I want to debunk this myth and show you that anyone can create incredible blog posts regardless of their writing background.


Creating High-Converting Content Without Being a Professional Writer

If you can write emails or Instagram captions, you are already equipped to write a blog post. 

Blog writing is not complicated or out of reach for anyone. 🙅‍♀️

You have valuable skills that you can offer to your audience, and all you need to do is learn how to express those skills through words which you do every day by the way!


Repurposing Existing Content

If you already have a podcast or a YouTube channel, you have a wealth of content that can be repurposed into blog posts. 

You can easily format your podcast episodes or YouTube videos into optimized blog posts. ♻️

If social media is your jam then you can start by writing blog posts and then repurpose them into social media content. 

There are endless possibilities for repurposing your existing content to reach a wider audience and to make that piece of content extend its lifetime.



I started my first blog when I was just 19 years old. 

Initially, my blog was a mixture of personal stories, DIY projects, and interior design, as I was studying that at the time. 

Writing was not my biggest passion, but I loved being able to give value and teach through my blog. 

Over the years, my blog transitioned into a travel blog, where I shared tips on budget travel and amazing experiences. 

As I integrated my coaching business, I started this blog which covers topics like online business, marketing strategies and evergreen content.

The point of telling you all this is to say that my dream was not to become a writer. I just wanted to share my dream, knowledge and passion with others and I do that through writing.

It’s a tool, and with any tool, you can pick it up and learn how to use it.


Becoming a Confident Writer Through Converting Content

Being a successful blogger has opened up opportunities for me to work with brands, travel the world for free, and contribute to renowned publications. 

I never studied journalism or had formal writing training, yet I learned how to effectively communicate my knowledge and value to my audience. 

Writing is a skill that can be honed through practice, and if you already have content like podcasts or YouTube videos, you have a head start.

🎨Inside Blog Traffic Machine, I teach you the 5-step Blog Conversion Formula. Here are 3 ways this will help you;

👍 You’ll learn how to catch your readers' attention from the first sentence and hook them into your content 

👍 You’ll learn how to pitch your offer within your content naturally which leads to higher conversions

👍You’ll learn how to create urgency so that your ideal client takes the next step with you

You’ll be able to apply this formula to every blog post so that you can convert cold, warm and hot leads from your blog posts into your email list, funnels and paid offers, even if you think you’re a bad writer.

✅ If you write emails you can write blog posts

✅ If you write Instagram captions, you can write blog posts

With Blog Traffic Machine you’ll be able to write your first (or next) converting blog post & hit publish within the next 7 days.

And that blog post will rank on page 1 of Google in front of your dream customers. 

Click here to join Blog Traffic Machine

Tips for Writing and Becoming a Confident Writer

Here are my three best tips for improving your writing skills and becoming a confident writer:


Photo by Victor Barrios on Unsplash


1. Write Like You Speak 

When writing a blog post, imagine you are having a conversation with a friend. 

Writing naturally and authentically helps build a personal connection with your audience. 

If you're not confident in your writing, try recording yourself speaking the blog post and then transcribing it. 

👉 I recommend the tool Descript!

This method can help you capture your authentic voice.


2. Don't Edit As You Write

Avoid the temptation to edit while you write. 

Writing and editing are two different tasks that require different parts of your brain. 

Instead, focus on getting all your ideas down first and save the editing for later. 

It's more efficient and allows for a smoother flow of thoughts.


Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash


3. Practice

Like any skill, writing requires practice. 

Commit to writing a little every day, even if it's just 100 words. 

Consistency and practice will help you improve over time. 

Don't strive for perfection but aim to continually get better and faster

Writing converting blog posts doesn't require you to be a professional writer. 

With the right approach and mindset, anyone can create valuable and engaging content. 

✅ Remember to write like you speak, avoid editing while writing, and practice regularly. 

If you have existing content, take advantage of it by repurposing it into blog posts. 

By following these tips, you'll gain confidence as a writer and produce blog posts that resonate with your audience. 

If you want to learn more about optimizing your blog posts and increasing your blog's visibility, join Blog Traffic Machine.

You’ll learn our simple 4-step framework & visibility strategy that helps you create optimized evergreen content that reaches page 1 of Google so that you can attract dream clients on autopilot


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