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13 Pinterest Mistakes That Are Seriously Wasting Your Time

13 Pinterest Mistakes That Are Seriously Wasting Your Time, Ipad screen with the Pinterest app icon

Despite Pinterest being around for years and years, I still see so many users making these Pinterest mistakes.

And honestly, as a Pinterest strategist, it really bugs me!! 👀

Pinterest is such a powerful platform for driving traffic and sales to your website so you need to be making sure that you’re using it correctly

So if you’re implementing Pinterest into your marketing strategy, but not seeing the results you have hoped for, here are some of the top Pinterest mistakes that you should avoid. ❌

The Top Pinterest Mistakes

Whether you're a seasoned pinner or just starting, understanding the Pinterest algoritm is the key to ensure that you do not waste your time.

Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

Avoiding these common mistakes can propel your Pinterest strategy to new heights!

Mistake #1: Quantity Over Quality

In the early days of Pinterest, posting a high volume of content was key. At one point, Pinterest users could be posting up to 50 pins a day!! 🙃

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However, the good news is, times have changed. Quality now reigns supreme over quantity. 

Pinterest is prioritising accounts that create new pins that link to high-quality content. 

Mistake #2: Focusing on Others' Content

While sharing others' content was once a recommended strategy, the current trend leans heavily towards promoting your own material. 

Instead of constantly repinning and sharing into group boards, you should focus on creating unique content that links directly to your website. 

Mistake #3: Using Pinterest Like Social Media

Pinterest is not your typical social media platform; it's a powerful visual search engine. 

So you have to treat it as a such.

You need to understand SEO and use search behaviour to maximise your reach and improve visibility.

​One way to do this is by clicking on the search bar and using the search results as keywords within your pin descriptions and images.

In Passive Profit for Pinterest, we go over the exact techniques to make sure that your pins get picked up by Pinterest algorithm and how to use relevant keywords.

You will also learn...

  • How to more sales through your offers with Pinterest💰 
  • How to work less but still gain traffic to your site  👀
  • How to stop having to create content everyday to gain sales ✋

PLUS, everything else that goes into creating an effective Pinterest strategy.

→ Click here to check out Passive Profit With Pinterest

Mistake #4: Lack of Variety

Lack of variety is one of the biggest Pinterest mistakes that I see. 😶

Posting the same content repeatedly can lead to audience fatigue and decreased reach. 

The more blogs that you can write for your website, the more variety of pins that you can create which will attract potential customers. 

You should also experiment with a variety of pins including pictures of products and idea pins.

Mistake #5: Deleting Underperforming Pins

Never underestimate the long-term potential of a pin. 

Not only can deleting under performing pins, prematurely hinder your overall Pinterest strategy, but you may be missing out on a pin that is building up in impressions.

Sometimes pins can appear as though they are under performing, but as Pinterest trends are always changing, these seemingly irrelevant pins may randomly pick up in impressions and outbound clicks. 🎉

​Deleting pins is the last thing you want to do on Pinterest!! 👀

Mistake #6: Overemphasizing Impressions

While impressions are essential, focusing solely on this metric can be misleading. 

When it comes to anaylsing your Pinterest analytics, It really doesn’t matter how high your impressions are or the number of followers you have, if your outbound clicks and saves are low. 

These two metrics are the most important indicators of engagement and user interest. 

Mistake #7: Pin Share Threads

Engaging in pin share threads may seem like a shortcut to visibility, but it can harm your account in the long run. 

Organic Pinterest growth and genuine audience engagement are key to sustainable success on Pinterest.

🤫 PSST... You can check out your current ROI score with my FREE ROI calculator. 

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Mistake #8: Incorrect Image Sizes

Posting landscape or square images on Pinterest can impact visibility and user experience. This is a BIG mistake, because it's honestly, a waste of your time. 🙃

When creating Pinterest pins, make sure to use the correct size for Pinterest which is 1000 × 1500.

Mistake #9: Posting the Same Pin

One of the most common mistakes I see when it comes to Pinterest is when I see people posting the same pin. 

Every Pinterest pin should look a little different and use different keywords.

The best way to find keywords is to use out Pinterest Keyword Vault.

Pinterest pushes fresh pins so make sure that the pin image and some of the keywords are changed every single time you design a new pin. 

Mistake #10: Posting the Same Link

When scheduling pins, you should never post the same link in a row.

What I mean by this is, if you create a pin for a specific blog post, you should not create that pin again until at least seven days later.

If you constantly link to the same page on your website, Pinterest will recognise this as you spamming the algorithm and will limit the amount of impressions and outbound clicks that that pin gets.

It could also have a negative impact on your account overall. 😬

You should also make sure that your posting new pins into different boards. 

Mistake #11: Using the Same Pin Template

Whilst it may be easier to just constantly using the same pin template, doing so, is a recipe for disaster.

As I said, Pinterest likes original content, so you should have at least five different pin templates that you can use for your Pinterest account.

Mistake #12: Not focusing on Aesthetics

As much as Pinterest is very different to other social media platforms,  just like anything online, aesthetics matter.

Your pin designs should be beautiful and not only attract the attention of your ideal client but make them want to save or click the pin.

Next time you’re creating a pin, take a little time to make sure that the colours stand out and the pins is aesthetically pleasing

Mistake #13: Giving up After Just One Month

Pinterest is a long game and you shouldn't expect instant gratification. 👀

It can take months before you start seeing REAL Pinterest traffic.

Active users on Pinterest that gain thousands of clicks per month, understand that building a larger audience on Pinterest takes time (and they still stick with it).

That being said, if you’re willing to put the work in, Pinterest pins last for far longer than any content you could post on other social media accounts.

Pinterest pins are evergreen content that you can still get clicks on for months after you’ve posted the pin. So stick with it and don’t give up. ✅


Avoiding these common Pinterest mistakes can elevate your Pinterest marketing strategy and help you reach your target audience more effectively. 

From ensuring that you don’t delete underperforming pins, always use a variety of pin templates and never post the same pin twice, you can learn how to use Pinterest as an effective marketing strategy to optimise both blog traffic, website traffic and sales.

Are you ready to take your Pinterest marketing to the next level?

Join us in Passive Profit with Pinterest to gain access to expert strategies, up-to-date insights, and a step-by-step Pinterest funnel traffic system that can supercharge your online presence.

Start your Pinterest journey on the right foot and watch your pins flourish!

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