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The Best Time to Start Blog Marketing For Coaches

The Best Time to Start Blog Marketing For Coaches

You might think that starting a blog is not a priority for you right now OR

“You’ll get round to it”...

Here’s why starting a blog should be a priority. ๐Ÿ‘‡

๐Ÿ’ฃ A blog will help you make more sales easier (and cheaper) than any other platform or strategy out there. Plain and simple.

Chances are you’re already creating great content. 

You could take that and extend your content lifetime by 10+ years just by repurposing it into an evergreen blog post.

This is exactly what I teach my clients inside of Blog Traffic Machine.

Blog Traffic Machine is my signature 12-month group program for creative coaches

You'll learn how to add at least $1000 of additional monthly recurring revenue to your coaching business by creating evergreen blog content that increases their brand influence, monthly recurring revenue, fun and flexibility

You’ll be able to;

  • Spend less time finding your next lead ๐Ÿ”Ž
  • Automate your lead generation ๐Ÿค–
  • Doing less but getting more eyeballs on your offers ๐Ÿ‘€
  • Not having to rely on showing up on socials to sell โœ‹

Blog marketing helps you get out of the content creation hamster wheel and allows you to have more time to work on your business, rather than in your business.

If you’re still not convinced, here are 4 solid reasons why NOW is the perfect time to start blog marketing for coaches, course creators and service providers. 


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash


You want to scale to 6 or 7 figures

If you want to scale to 6 or 7 figures this year then you have to stop relying on social media and nurturing platforms to bring you leads on autopilot.

โœŒ๏ธ Scaling to 6 figures without a blog is entirely possible. There’s lots of people doing it right now.

However, I can almost bet you that in one way or another, they burnt out.

They might have stopped selling, gone on a sabbatical or have a team of 10 people helping them out when they only need 3.

If you want to scale peacefully then you should think about creating (or repurposing content) optimized blog content. 

That’s because blog content gets you in front of your dream leads on autopilot 24/7. 

Think of it as your sales team but you don't have to pay a cent for it. ๐Ÿ’ฐ


๐ŸŽง More of an audio podcast? Listen to this related podcast episode.


Grow your leads to make more courses

If you have a course or mini-products, you'll know that getting as many eyeballs on them as possible is important to make sales.

You can do this with paid ads or organically. 

And of course, if you don't want to chomp into your profits then the best thing to do is to try organic marketing.

Optimized blog content will allow you to get more leads into your courses on autopilot without burning out because if you want a new lead, you won't have to show your face.

๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿผ‍โ™‚๏ธ Your blog content does the hard work for you

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash


Want to grow your launches

It doesn't matter if you launch once per year or 4 times, the common must-have again is eyeballs. 

๐Ÿ“ˆ Conversions are also important but you can't make conversions without people so you should be building your email list all year round so that when it's launch time, you have a list of thousands to launch to.

If you create optimized blog posts that show up on page 1 of Google to your perfect people, then they will see you have lead magnets (because you'll promote them in your blog post) and then sign up for them.

That way when you get to your quarterly launches, you'll have a stack of new eyeballs waiting to see what you have to offer them.

Photo by Mike Swigunski on Unsplash


Overwhelmed with socials and want to make it a choice, not a need

One of the biggest trends on social media isn’t the new dance song, it’s burnout. 

Burnout from having to show your face, from selling on Instagram stories and keeping up with your lead tracker.

๐Ÿ‘ฏ‍โ™€๏ธBlog marketing for coaches allows you to take a step back from social media and enjoy automated traffic, leads and sales in your business. 

You'll no longer have to show up on social media to sell your offers but you’ll get to make social media a choice. 

This freedom is so so lovely because #1 you won’t burn out from social but #2 (which I think is the best in my opinion…), you'll be able to still grow your email list and sell your offers while you’re out of the office. 

This is how I'm able to take months off my business every year because my business doesn't rely on me to sell my course and coaching offers. 

How cool is that?


So when is the best time to start blog marketing for coaches? 

Well, the answer is right now! 

Because the sooner you start the sooner your business can spend less time finding your next lead, automate your lead generation, do less but get more eyeballs on your offers and not have to rely on showing up on socials to sell โœ‹

Join Blog Traffic Machine so you can learn how to create blog content your ideal clients are begging for and then SEO optimize that content so that you can show up in front of dream leads 24/7.

>> Click here to join

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